Stratbiz - Business Intergration  
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Enterprise Solutions and Business Integrations
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StratBiz -Business Technology Office – Enterprise Solutions and Business Integrations

Our practitioners help clients solve complex business issues with a solution set that is a combination of packaged software, efficient and optimized processes and deep industry knowledge. Our service portfolio includes:

  • Enterprise Solutions:
    Working with our customers, our practitioners gather, analyze, and access information from across the industry to create value for all aspects of their business from the back office to the front desk.

    Our practitioners have an in-depth understanding of the enterprise applications available in the market, and their capabilities concerning business, technology, and total cost of ownership perspectives offer consulting services that ensure compatible solutions for our clients. We apply Systems Consulting to guide product selection and to drive the training, configuration, and implementation required to effectively exploit the potential of such products.

    In addition, our practitioners support the planning and implementation of major enterprise-wide solutions, from vendors such as SAP, PeopleSoft, Microsoft, and Oracle. They are also experienced in leading some of the largest ERP implementations in United States.

    Frameworks and template driven consulting practices ensure rapid implementations of enterprise solution initiatives to maximize business value.

    With our extensive ERP implementation experience and deep industry knowledge, we can help you to solve your most complex business problems. In this area, specific services we offer are:

    • Business Case preparation
    • Solution Architecture & Design
    • Program Management
    • Business Process Reengineering
    • Historical Data Conversion 
    • Operational and Analytical Reporting
    • Testing Strategies
    • Architecture, Security,  and Hosting Strategies
    • Performance Engineering
    • Training & Organizational Readiness
    • Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery

  • Enterprise Business Integrations:
    Enterprise Business Integration consulting offerings from StratBiz enable your organization to maximize business value and provide the best possible services to your customers by optimizing business application integrations.  
    Our services in this area focus on the following aspects of integration needs for our clients:

    • Business Integration Services - Using StratPlan© , our proprietary business analysis and strategy planning tool, we are able to provide efficient and effective advise to business integration needs driven by mergers, acquisitions, divestures, and consolidations. Major aspects addressed by this category of services include integration of processes, product lines, markets, and infrastructure.

    • Partner Integration Services - Our services in this area addresses integration needs to enterprise stakeholders including suppliers, customers, investors, analysts, interested parties, potential customers, and employees. Our practitioners blend information, knowledge, content, and data integration approaches for the delivery of these services, often using web services, data hub services, and portal technologies.

    • Content Integration Services – Working with our clients, our practitioners identify different subject areas that will improve functional efficiency of processes by accumulating content from different sources and providing access to knowledge using different tools such as Portals, Web Services, Enterprise Content Management Systems, Search Engines, etc.  

    • Application Integration Services -   Our services in this area address integration needs that allow our clients to provide access to functions across multiple applications and/or process data across several applications. Furthermore, our practitioners have blended business and technology architectures to come up with a solution set that is aligned with business goals and objectives.

    • Data Integration Services – Through this, we provide services to our clients regarding efficient management and quality of data. Services offered in support of this area include, warehouse design, layered data stores, and the cleanup of data.

    Framework and template driven consulting practices ensure easy integration of new technologies, processes, and standards such as SOA, BEPL, and Web Services for delivering efficient solutions to support business objectives.  

    Contact StratBiz Technology Services Team to meet with your Senior Business and IT Leaders for a complimentary discussion on your current or upcoming IT initiatives. Many meetings such as these have resulted in the saving of millions of dollars. We look forward to meeting with you.